Two repatriated IS wives jailed on arrival back in Spain

(AFP) A Madrid court ordered two Spanish women who married Islamic State (IS) fighters remanded in custody Wednesday on terror-related charges after they were flown back from Syrian detention camps with 13 children, legal documents showed.

They arrived at Torrejon de Ardoz military airbase near Madrid late Monday nearly two months after the Spanish government agreed to fly them home from the notorious Roj detention camp in Kurdish-controlled north-eastern Syria.

Detained on arrival, Yolanda Martinez Cobos and Luna Fernandez Grande were on Wednesday brought before a judge at the Audiencia National, Spain’s top criminal court.

After hearing their statements, the judge ordered they be held in pre-trial detention without bail on charges of “joining a terror organisation” — namely Daesh, which is the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State (IS) group.

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