Paris mosque sues French writer Houellebecq over anti-Muslim comments

(Radio France) The rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris has filed a complaint against award-winning French writer Michel Houellebecq over “staggeringly brutal” comments made during a recent interview in which the author drew divisions between “native French people” and “the Muslims” responsible for “robbing and assaulting them.”

In a statement published on Twitter on Wednesday, the Grand Mosque of Paris announced it had filed a complaint against Michel Houellebecq following “very grave comments he had made about Muslims in France.”

The statement referred to a “long conversation” between Houellebecq and philosopher Michel Onfray — the founder of “anti-system” magazine Front Populaire — published in November.

The statement, signed by the mosque’s rector Chems-Eddine Hafiz, quotes an extract.

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