Hussayn Al-Umari: Australian coroner finds May 15 terror leader directed 1982 Sydney bombings Exactly 40 years after the twin bombings of Sydney’s Israeli consulate and the Hakoah Club, a coroner has released startling findings into the terrorist attack.

(NCA NewsWire) Exactly 40 years after Australia was rocked by the twin bombings of Sydney’s Israeli consulate and the Hakoah Club, a coroner has laid the blame squarely on an international terrorist organisation.

The bombings on December 23, 1982, shook Australia’s Jewish community and struck fear into the wider Australian consciousness.

A bomb exploded in a stairwell adjacent to the seventh floor consulate about 2pm, injuring a number of people working at the consulate or on other levels.

About five hours later, a car parked in the basement of the Hakoah Club at Bondi exploded, but failed to detonate correctly, resulting in significantly less destruction than was planned.

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