DoD estimates $270M to repair bases after hosting Afghan refugees

(Military Times) The services racked up about $270 million in needed repairs after housing more than 80,000 Afghan refugees at U.S. military bases between summer 2021 and 2022, according to a report released Wednesday by the Defense Department’s inspector general.

The Afghans, airlifted out of Kabul in the final weeks before the U.S. left Afghanistan for good, spent weeks to months on one of 11 installations, where they received housing, medical care and resettlement assistance.

“DoD installations sustained millions of dollars in damages and depleted supplies that affected their normal operations and military readiness,” the report found, later adding, “The DoD should have risk assessment procedures in place to identify and plan for future temporary housing and facility usage operations, such as OAW and OAR, so installations can return to normal operations in a timelier manner.”

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