City sprucing up more school cafeterias, offering more halal meals

(NY1) The city will spend $50 million to spruce up 90 middle and high school cafeterias by the end of the year, with grab-and-go options and new kinds of seating. Along with expanding halal meal options, officials say it’s a way to encourage more students to grab a bite to eat.

At Hillcrest High School in Queens, students have a range of options for lunch every day, which they can quickly grab from a setup that looks more like a food court than an old-school cafeteria.

“Instead of wasting our time on the lines, we can just walk in and get our lunch and enjoy our time with our friends, you know, that’s the only time we have from the day when we can just talk to our friends and have a little bit of fun too,” senior Musammat Hussain, 17, said.

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