Wannabe Queens terrorist denounces ISIS, gets 12 years behind bars

(NY Daily News) A Queens man who tried to sneak into Syria to join ISIS was sentenced to more than 12 years behind bars, after he denounced the terrorist group in front of a federal judge Tuesday.

Parveg Ahmed, 27, talked up the prospect of holy war online since at least 2014, and in 2017, he used the cover of a family trip to Saudi Arabia to travel to Syria and join up.

He and a co-conspirator, who prosecutors said he roped into his plan, were detained in Jordan and brought back to the U.S. to face terrorism charges.

“I just wanted to state out loud and in public how sorry I am for this crime,” Ahmed told Brooklyn Federal Court Judge Ann Donnelly. “Today I renounce ISIS and all forms of violent extremism.”

Read more (alt: Yahoo version).