Shock video sparks horror at France attacks trial

(AFP) A video showing how an Islamist extremist ploughed his truck into a crowd in Nice killing 86 people while France was celebrating its national day sparked anguish and horror at the attack trial on Thursday.

Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, 31, was killed by police after a four-minute rampage down the seaside embankment of the Promenade des Anglais, where thousands of locals and tourists were celebrating July 14 or Bastille Day in 2016.

The footage, never shown in public, was presented as evidence at the trial of eight people suspected of helping Lahouaiej-Bouhlel or knowing of his intentions.

Witnesses and survivors gasped in horror as the screen filled with people mowed down by the criss-crossing vehicle, their bodies broken and squashed under its wheels.

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