Trudeau defends CSIS after U.K. author claims agency informant smuggled girls into Syria PM says the government will probe the claims and expects intelligence agencies to follow the rules

(CBC) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stood behind the country’s top civilian intelligence agency on Wednesday in response to an allegation that one of its contractors helped traffic three British teenage girls to Islamic State extremists seven years ago.

A new book by U.K.-based writer Richard Kerbaj — The Secret History of the Five Eyes — is set to be published on Thursday. It claims that an informant for the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) smuggled Shamima Begum, 15 at the time, and her school friends Kadiza Sultana and Amira Abase — 16 and 15 at the time — into northern Syria, and that the informant told his Canadian handlers.

The book goes on to claim that CSIS later approached the counter-terrorism branch of London’s Metropolitan Police — which was investigating the disappearance of the teenagers — and asked that the agency not become the focus of attention.

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