Eight to stand trial six years after Bastille Day attack in Nice The trial will take place in the same Paris courtroom as the historic November 13 Paris attack trial and broadcast back to a centre in Nice

(Connexion) The trial of eight suspects in relation to the Bastille Day attack in Nice begins on September 5, six years after a terrorist drove a lorry into a crowd, killing 86 people and injuring more than 450.

Accused of helping attacker

The city was celebrating France’s national July 14 holiday in 2016 when a 19-tonne refrigeration truck ran into pedestrians on the busy Promenade des Anglais.

The attacker, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, 31, a Tunisian man living in Nice, was shot dead by police at the scene.

The defendants are accused of either having links with the attacker or being implicated in arms trafficking which allowed him to obtain the pistol used during his rampage.

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