Sweden’s PM: ‘We don’t want Chinatown, Somalitown, or Little Italy’

(Local) Sweden’s prime minister has restated her determination to reduce housing segregation in the country’s cities, while underlining that this does not have to mean “forcibly moving people.”

In an interview with the Dagens Nyheter newspaper, Magdalena Andersson said that her goal for Sweden was that there should not in future be such extreme “ethnic clusters” in big cities as there are today.

“That’s not my ambition for Sweden, but instead that we should live mixed up together, that Swedish should be spoken in all housing areas, and that Swedish equality should apply everywhere,” she said.

“We do not want to have Chinatowns in Sweden, we do not want to have Somalitowns or Little Italies. Our starting point is a society where people with different backgrounds, experiences and income live together and meet one another. That’s how we will create a cohesive society.”

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