FB, Instagram, Twitter remove migrant rape video Meloni sparked row by re-posting footage, vowing crime fight

(ANSA) Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter on Tuesday removed a video of a Guinean asylum seeker raping a Ukrainian woman in Piacenza Monday, which had been controversially re-posted by conservative leader Giorgia Meloni in a post vowing to boost law and order in Italy if the centre-right takes power in elections next month.

The video of the 27-year-old man raping the 55-year-old woman was shot by a man in an overlooking window in the northern city, who had been told by police not to intervene but to keep filming evidence of the crime.

Meloni was widely criticised for allegedly electioneering in re-publishing the video, with centre-left Democratic Party (PD) leader Enrico Letta calling the episode “indecent” and saying the victim had been turned into an election football.

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