Education Inspectorate report reveals chaos at Amsterdam educational institution

(NL Times) As-Siddieq, the largest Islamic educational institution in Amsterdam, may face sanctions for misuse of government funds and general mismanagement. Primary and Secondary Education Minister Dennis Wiersma will decide on possible consequences for As-Siddieq, in consultation with the Education Inspectorate, according to Het Parool.

In an unpublished report leaked to Het Parool, the Education Inspectorate shows no confidence in the school board’s ability to manage the institution’s three primary schools in Amsterdam. Basic tasks such as budget approvals or school renovations became impossible for the board after an August 2020 rift among its members. An Amsterdam court got involved and ruled in July 2022 in favor of chairman Samy Deghedy. The end to the power struggle, however, did not change the Inspectorate’s assessment of the educational institution, Het Parool reports.

A large part of the report deals with As-Siddieq illegally spending government money.

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