Following Denmark’s example, Sweden considers breaking up migrant ghettos

(Breitbart) Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson has stated she supports a proposal to reduce segregation by banning areas where non-Scandinavians are the majority of residents.

Prime Minister Andersson, whose Social Democrat Party … has controlled Sweden for nearly a decade and has worked tirelessly to bring migrants into the country, said she was in favour of breaking up de facto segregated neighbourhoods. The plan had been outlined by Integration Minister Anders Ygeman during a newspaper interview late last month and echoes efforts in neighbouring Denmark where such areas are now being actively broken up and even demolished.

“I think it’s bad to have areas where the majority are of non-Nordic origin,” Ygeman said, while Statistics Sweden notes that around 80 per cent of those living in so-called “vulnerable” areas — known to many colloquially as “no-go zones” — come from foreign backgrounds.

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