Convicted terrorist Momin Khawaja denied day parole The Ottawa-born man is serving a life sentence in connection with his role in a plot to bomb targets in the United Kingdom

(Ottawa Citizen) The Parole Board of Canada’s appeal division has denied the parole request of convicted terrorist Momin Khawaja, saying he has yet to take responsibility for his crimes.

In a recently released decision, the appeal division upheld the parole board’s rejection of Khawaja’s application for day parole in February.

Khawaja, 43, has been behind bars for 18 years after being arrested in 2004 and charged with seven terrorism-related offences.

The Ottawa man was later convicted on five counts and handed a life sentence in connection with his role in an al-Qaeda-inspired plot to bomb targets in the United Kingdom. Five British men received life sentences in connection with the same fertilizer bomb plot.

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