Türkiye calls Greek move disclaiming minority Muslims’ local elected leaders ‘unacceptable’ Ankara urges Greece to respect international law, fulfill obligations stemming from Lausanne Peace Treaty on Turkish minority in Western Thrace

(Anadolu) Türkiye on Thursday criticized Greece’s latest move denying recognition to the Turkish minority’s elected Muslim clerics (muftis), calling it “unacceptable.”

In a statement, the Turkish Foreign Ministry urged Greece to respect international law and fulfill its contractual obligations under the longstanding Treaty of Lausanne and other relevant agreements, “and put an end to its policies pressuring and intimidating the Turkish Minority in Western Thrace.”

The statement came in response to new legislation allowing the appointment of muftis by Greek authorities, a system the Turkish minority in Western Thrace rejects, as it ignores the Turkish minority’s right under treaty to elect their own muftis.

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