NGO slams France for threatening to expel French-born Moroccan imam France’s interior minister is accusing the imam of promoting hate speech against the country’s values.

(Morocco World News) The League for Human Rights (LDH) issued a statement on Monday to denounce the French government’s decision to expel Moroccan imam Hassan Iquioussen.

The NGO argued that both Minister of Interior Gerald Darmanin and the prefect of the Hauts-de-France region, Georges-Francois Leclerc, have refused to renew the residence permit of the French-born imam.

The imam, who has lived in France since his birth, the NGO pointed out, has been living in the country under a residence permit that was “renewed without any problem at each request.”

The NGO defended the imam, saying that Iquissoen’s “behavior did not change between the periods before or after this previous renewal,” and that the reasons the French government wants to expel him date back to “twenty years.”

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