Editor’s note: Involuntary changes to our news coverage

Due to claims of copyright infringement and threats of legal action, Eye on Islamism (EoI) is no longer featuring excerpts from articles published by most British and Irish news sources.

EoI is a news-driven website that strives to educate and inform readers, free of charge, about radical Islam and related issues in the Western world — matters of significant public concern. EoI is based in the United States and operates in accordance with U.S. law regarding textual excerpts, specifically 17 U.S. Code §107, which protects the fair use of copyrighted material for nonprofit, educational purposes.

However, the laws of other countries may not offer similar guarantees. This can inspire non-U.S. publishers — ungrateful for what some would describe as free advertising for their sites — to make use of another U.S. law, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, to deploy takedown notices and legal threats to curtail EoI’s news aggregation.

We hope to resume our in-depth coverage of news from the UK and Ireland in the near future, with modifications to ensure EoI’s survival as a public resource.

Thank you for your patience during this transition.