EU asks breakaway Turkish Cypriots to curb migrant arrivals

(AP) The European Union has asked Turkish Cypriot authorities in the breakaway north of ethnically divided Cyprus to toughen up measures aimed at reducing the rising number of migrants seeking asylum in the island nation’s internationally recognized south.

An EU official said Friday that the bloc “explained its concerns” about the issue and that Turkish Cypriot authorities “must do what’s necessary” to curb migrant arrivals. The official spoke to the Associated Press on condition [of] anonymity because he’s not allowed to speak about the issue publicly.

Cyprus was split along ethnic lines in 1974 when Turkey invaded following a coup aimed at union with Greece. Only Turkey recognizes a Turkish Cypriot declaration of independence. Cypriot government authorities say the overwhelming majority of migrant arrivals occurs via Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot north through a loosely regulated student visa system.

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