Bomb threats reported across Austria as Islamist hate preacher trial begins

(Breitbart) A total of five bomb threats were reported targeting several cities across Austria on Monday as the trial for an Islamic hate preacher began in Vienna, with claims the threats were the actions of a jihadi cell.

The bomb threats, which came from an anonymous Google mail account, were sent to courts across the country in Vienna, Graz and St. Pölten, to the Jewish Community of Vienna (Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien) and to a magistrate in the Austrian capital.

“It can be confirmed that in the morning hours of 27.6.2022 written threats were received against courts in Vienna, Graz and St. Pölten as well as at the IKG Vienna and the Vienna MA 56 (School Department),” the Austrian Interior Ministry said in a statement, newspaper Kronen Zeitung reports.

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