Judges retire to consider verdicts in Paris attack trials

(AFP) Five judges overseeing the trial into the November 2015 attacks on the Bataclan concert hall and other targets around Paris headed to a secret location Monday to consider their verdicts.

The specially built court in central Paris held its final hearings on Monday after nine months of testimony and questioning that has seen the only surviving Islamic State attacker, Salah Abdeslam, beg for clemency.

“I’ve offered you my apologies. Some people will say that they’re insincere … as if apologies could be insincere in the face of so much suffering,” Abdeslam, 32, told the court on Monday in his final statement.

“I went to prison at the age of 26. I’m not perfect, I made mistakes, it’s true. But I’m not a murderer, I’m not a killer,” he added, wearing a grey sweatshirt and with his hair cut short.

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