Defence asks for acquittal of Belgian Yassine Atar in Paris attacks trial

(Brussels Times) The trial of the 13 November attacks in Paris, France’s worst-ever terror attack, saw the defence on Monday plead for the acquittal of Belgian Yassine Atar.

The defence arguments come after nine months of testimony in a longstanding trial, held in a secure complex inside Paris’ original 13th century Justice Palace, with 12 extending rooms to provide room for victims, lawyers and journalists.

For the next few days, defence lawyers will detail their version of how the events unfolded on 13 November 2015 in shootings that killed 130 people in the Bataclan concert hall and other places in an onslaught which traumatised the country.

On trial are 19 people accused of different levels of assistance to the killers who opened fire at the Bataclan and its surroundings.

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