Border Patrol arrests of migrants on terror watch list at southern border spike under Biden Border states like Arizona and Texas have faced crushing wave of migrants

(Fox) Border Patrol arrests of migrants on the terror watch list at the southern border in Fiscal Year 2022 [have] already eclipsed prior years — amid a massive migrant wave hitting the border.

In Fiscal Year 2022 there have been 50 arrests of migrants on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) at the southern border by Border Patrol between ports of entry.

That’s compared to 15 in FY21, which was up from three in FY20 and zero in FY19. There were six in FY18 and two in FY17 — meaning that the numbers this year are already higher than the previous five years combined.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) started posting the numbers online last month, after promising Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee who had peppered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with requests that the number of those encountered who were recorded on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB) be given to Congress and made public.

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