CAIR launches ‘Get Out the Jokes’ comedy voter drive for US midterm elections CAIR launches 'Get Out the Jokes' comedy tour voter [drive] ahead of the 2022 US midterm elections.

(New Arab) Getting people to go out and vote can be hard, especially in communities where people don’t feel like their voices are heard. Humour is one way to break the ice on serious topics, like politics.

This month, the Council on American-Islamic Relations announced the launch of a “Get Out the [Jokes]” Muslim multi-city comedy tour ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

The tour is hosted by the comedian Moses the Comic, and also features Sabeen Sadiq, Atheer Yacoub, and Omar Regan, all young Muslim comedians of different backgrounds.

The first stop of the tour will be in College Park, Maryland, on 25 June.

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