Defence lawyers launch last, crucial phase of November 2015 terror trial

(Radio France) After ten days of heart-rending reminders of horror from the legal teams representing the victims, followed by last week’s demands for punishment from the prosecution, on Monday the Paris attacks trial moved into a different emotional realm with the first of the closing statements from those defending the 14 accused.

The change in atmosphere could not have been more striking.

Since the start of June, we’ve heard the stories of the survivors, professionally retold by their lawyers. We have been chilled by the mastery of the prosecution, with their unflinching insistence on legally established facts.

This time it’s personal.

Maître Judith Lévy is one of the two lawyers defending Ali Oulkadi. Oulkadi faces twenty years in jail for having given Salah Abdeslam a lift when the failed terrorist returned to Brussels the day after the Paris attacks. Last Friday, the prosecution called for him to serve five years.

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