Zuckerberg’s Metaverse ripe for terror recruitment, says EU

(EUobserver) Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse could become a new breeding ground for terrorism and recruitment, according to an EU internal document seen by EUobserver.

“The creation of a virtual caliphate or Da’esh base camp is one of the risks linked with this new world,” says the paper dated 2 June and drafted by the EU’s counter-terrorism coordinator.

The Metaverse offers new ways to coordinate, plan and execute acts of terrorism, it says.

This includes staging or recreating immersive major terrorist attacks like the 2015 Paris attacks on the national stadium, Bataclan concert venues and street cafes, in which 137 people died.

The paper goes on to say that the decentralised financing of crypto-currencies could also further help terrorist organisations to operate their own Metaverses.

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