Canadian event with PFLP terrorism ties held at Ottawa city-owned property Khaled Barakat is allegedly a leader of the PFLP terrorist organization, and will be speaking at an International League of Peoples' Struggle event in Ottawa, Canada.

(Jerusalem Post) Activists with alleged connections to terrorist organizations are keynote speakers at an event on Friday that is being held on Ottawa city property, against the municipality’s policies on providing public spaces to individuals and groups that support violence.

Speakers with terrorism ties

Khaled Barakat — allegedly a leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist organization — and his wife Charlotte Kates — a leader in the allegedly PFLP-affiliated Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Network — are featured speakers at the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) in Canada’s 5th assembly at the Ottawa city-owned Foster Farm Community Centre on Friday.

According to the rental policy of the city of Ottawa, the municipality “will not provide public space, facilities and/or properties within its jurisdiction to an individual or group that supports or promotes views, ideas or presentations which promote or are likely to promote” violence or disctimination, contempt or hatred to a person based on national origin.

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