Western University group slams school’s handling of Muslim-LGBTQ furor

(London Free Press) A group of “queer” Western University faculty and graduate students is slamming the administration’s decision to remove a social media post celebrating diversity and calling on them to reaffirm support of gay Muslims.

“The Western Queer Caucus would like to express our dismay and disappointment over the decision on May 18 to remove the poster … intended to promote tolerance and acceptance by reminding people that homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia are unacceptable,” reads the open letter to president Alan Shepard, dated May 24 and released to the Free Press Thursday.

“Queer students, staff, and faculty members are part of Western’s community. Both by law and ethically, it is incumbent upon us all to recognize and include queer Muslims. Not to do so is deeply hurtful, especially to our students,” the letter states. “Western needs to think about how divisive and hurtful this incident has been for the very people international day against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia is supposed to support.”

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