Western’s move to take down anti-homophobia post could do harm, says gay Muslim Instagram post showing two women in hijabs about to kiss stirred fierce backlash

(CBC) Shawn Ahmed is a gay Muslim who wishes Western University had been able to withstand a thunderstorm of criticism about a post on their Instagram account that featured an illustration of two women, both wearing hijabs, about to kiss.

“I can see why they took it down, but honestly I wished they hadn’t,” said Ahmed. “I don’t envy the position they were in. It was a tough call.”

The post went up last Tuesday on Western’s official Instagram account and was intended as a message of inclusion.

Under the heading “celebrate the power of love” it showed four couples, including two women in the traditional Muslim headscarf, about to share a kiss.

The image drew fierce criticism from some Muslims, which Western acknowledged in a message issued Thursday announcing why they’d removed the post.

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