Cannes brings Paris terror attacks into the limelight

(AFP) The Cannes Film Festival has shone a light on one of the darkest moments in recent French history — the Paris terror attacks of November 13, 2015 — with two films that take very different approaches to the topic.

“November” is a nervy police thriller that follows the five-day hunt for the surviving attackers, after 130 people were killed during the worst such assault on France in modern history.

It stars Jean Dujardin, known from the Oscar-winning “The Artist,” as the officer in charge, desperate to prevent further violence.

“These people aren’t really heroes — it’s the group that is heroic,” Dujardin told reporters at Cannes.

That was echoed by the film’s director, Cedric Jimenez: “There were so many deaths, the witnesses were traumatised forever, many of the police involved never returned to their jobs.”

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