More than 50 groups reject ADL’s critique of pro-Palestinian activism ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt was wrong, they wrote, to compare them to far-right extremists.

(Forward) Dozens of American Muslim groups Monday issued a statement decrying recent remarks of Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, who they accuse of slandering Palestinian rights organization[s].

They referred to a speech Greenblatt made two weeks ago in which he called several groups — including Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace and the Council on American-Islamic Relations — the “photo inverse of the extreme right that the ADL has long tracked.”

In that same speech, Greenblatt equated anti-Zionism with antisemitism.

The Muslim groups, with several Jewish ones, including Jewish Voice for Peace, wrote that Greenblatt had sparked “widespread backlash,” and called their reply to him “unprecedented.” More than 50 groups signed on to the statement.

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