Revealed: Shia Muslim imams in Sweden conduct weddings in which women are bought for sex

(SVT) Shia Muslim imams in many parts of Sweden conduct wedding ceremonies in which women are bought by men for casual sexual relations, Mission: Investigate reveals. Often the imams charge a fee for this. Called “pleasure marriages” in Arabic, the aim of these ceremonies is to make casual sex halal, i.e. permitted in Islam. After the disclosure, the Islamic Shia Associations of Sweden is freezing the membership of several of its associations.

“If I were heading the investigation, I’d probably establish a report of human trafficking,” says Petra Stenkula, police commissioner in Malmö.

The Arabic name is “pleasure marriage.” A fixed-time marriage, for money, which can last a month, a week, or only an hour. At the end of that time, the marriage is over.

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