Former UF student accused in terror case attempts to convert trial judge to Islam 'This is a huge shocker. I was not expecting that from anyone in my class.'

(Florida Politics) A thirst for information led him to an ISIS website. There, he discovered how to meet with radical Islamic groups to decide which among them the American could assist. He bought a one-way ticket from Orlando and arrived in Istanbul, Turkey, with determination in his brown eyes.

He visited a café where he asked the waiter how to get to Syria.

The waiter asked the man why he wanted to go.

“To get to family members,” he said, lying.

The 5-foot-9 man followed the waiter’s instructions religiously. He found a bus driver who told him to return later with $50 in cash. He came back in the dark of night when he was picked up in a minivan along with others. He handed the money to the driver and was told he would be entering Syria illegally. Later, the group was dropped off at a dirt path on the side of a road.

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