EU lawmakers delay approval of border agency’s budget over illegal pushbacks European Parliament postpones decision due to ongoing investigation against Frontex

(Anadolu) EU lawmakers on Wednesday withheld approval on the EU border and coast guard agency’s (Frontex) budget over “illegal pushbacks of migrants” as they signed off [on] the bloc’s budget for 2020.

With 492 votes in favor, 145 against, and eight abstentions, the EU lawmakers adopted a resolution explaining their decision.

In a statement, they named the EU anti-fraud watchdog OLAF’s ongoing investigation into “fundamental rights incidents, including migrant pushbacks,” as well as Frontex’s “failure to fulfill the conditions” set by the European Parliament last year.

“Frontex operates in challenging circumstances and with its enhanced role comes the need for effective management and greater accountability,” said Czech EU lawmaker Tomas Zdechovsky.

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