Counter-terrorism boss called DENK Muslim mouthpiece, PVV radicalizer in secret reports

(NL Times) For years, national counter-terrorism coordinator NCTV reported on “polarising” political parties in confidential reports to municipalities, police, ministries, and foreign intelligence services, NRC reports based on 159 internal reports received through the Open Government (Public Access) Act. In some reports, DENK is described as a mouthpiece for Muslim fundamentalism, and the PVV is accused of contributing to radicalization.

The NCTV mentioned DENK in at least six Internet Monitoring Weekly Messages, confidential reports with which the coordinator informed other government organizations about developments surrounding extremism. In 2017, the NCTV warned that DENK promotes the idea that Muslims in the Netherlands are treated differently than non-Muslims, which “can fuel mistrust of government and potentially fuel anti-democratic tendencies.”

The coordinator said that on DENK’s Facebook page, “anyone who questions the way of working” is labeled as “enemy,” “Zionist,” or “Nazi.”

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