EU border agency boss quits over alleged mismanagement

(AFP) Fabrice Leggeri, a figurehead for impenetrable European frontiers who was frequently accused of tolerating illegal “pushbacks” of migrants, has resigned as head of Frontex, the border agency said Friday.

The Frontex board made the announcement after holding a two-day meeting “in view of the European Anti-Fraud Office’s (OLAF) investigations against three staff members including the agency’s executive director,” it said in a statement.

It said Leggeri had offered his resignation on Thursday and the board had “concluded that the employment has therefore come to an end,” adding that deputy executive director Aija Kalnaja would fill in for him.

A German government spokesman said earlier that the boss’ departure “gives the opportunity to fully clear up allegations, to create transparency and make sure all Frontex’s operations respect European law.”

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