Calgary man pleads guilty to terrorism charges after fighting as ISIS sniper in Syria 'I didn't know any better,' says Hussein Sobhe Borhot, who will be sentenced later

(CBC) A Calgary man has pleaded guilty to terrorism offences, admitting to a kidnapping during a year-long stint fighting as a trained sniper with ISIS in Syria.

Hussein Sobhe Borhot, 36, pleaded guilty to participating in terrorist activities outside Canada and committing a crime at the direction of a terrorist organization.

Borhot spent from May 2013 to June 2014 in Syria, after sneaking across the border from Turkey with the help of a Turkish military officer who’d been paid to allow ISIS fighters to cross over.

RCMP worked with the FBI and U.S. Department of Defence throughout the seven-year investigation.

‘I didn’t know better’

When he returned to Calgary, Borhot was the subject of two undercover operations, telling an officer he’d been inspired by the first-person shooter video game Call of Duty.

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