French election: 60 per cent support banning Islamic veil in public

(Breitbart) A poll released this week suggests that six in ten French people would support the government banning the Islamic veil in public spaces, a policy favoured by presidential election hopeful Marine Le Pen.

The poll, which was conducted by the CSA Institute, was published on Thursday and reveals that 60 per cent of respondents were favourable to banning the Islamic veil in public spaces, with only 16 per cent of those surveyed saying they were entirely against a ban.

Men were more likely to support the ban on the Islamic veil with 65 per cent agreeing with the proposal, compared to 56 per cent of women. In terms of age groups, those over 65 were the most likely [to] back the proposal, while people aged 18 to 24 were less likely but a majority still agreed with the ban, CNews reports.

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