Macron attacks Le Pen on Russia, Muslim headscarf ban pledge

(AP) French President Emmanuel Macron tore into his far-right challenger Marine Le Pen in a television debate Wednesday for her ties to Russia and for wanting to strip Muslim women of their right to cover their heads in public, as he seeks the votes he needs to win another 5-year term.

In their only head-to-head confrontation before the electorate has its say in Sunday’s winner-takes-all runoff vote for the presidency, Macron took the gloves off.

He argued that a loan that Le Pen’s party received in 2014 from a Czech-Russian bank made her unsuitable to deal with Moscow. He also said plans by the anti-immigration candidate to ban Muslim women in France from wearing headscarves in public would trigger “civil war” in the country that has the largest Muslim population in western Europe.

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