Marine Le Pen says French headscarf ban ‘no longer main priority’ The once key campaign proposal would now be addressed after other measures such as cutting off Islamist funding, and would reportedly not target regular headscarf wearers

(Connexion) Banning the Islamic headscarf is no longer a “major priority” for far-right presidential election candidate Marine Le Pen, a member of her team said yesterday, in a U-turn on previous campaign pledges.

“Banning the headscarf” was one of Ms Le Pen’s key campaign proposals in her initial campaign, but the candidate has already admitted that the headscarf is a “complex issue” and that she will not be “narrow-minded” on the subject. It will no longer be a “priority” but an “objective,” her campaign said.

On Sunday (April 17), her spokesperson, Sébastien Chenu, said on Sunday that “the fight against Islamism” and the banning of the veil would only “come after the closure of [extreme] mosques, the banning of fundamentalist [Islam], and the cutting off of Islamist funding.”

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