Anger in Paris court as terrorist Abdeslam asks for chance to start his life over

(Radio France) For the second day at the Paris attacks trial, evidence from surviving terrorist Salah Abdeslam dominated proceedings. Less sure of himself on Thursday, in the face of relentless questioning, Abdeslam finally asked for forgiveness and a second chance. That provoked an angry reaction from some on the public benches in the Paris courtroom.

Abdeslam had to wait.

Before the sole surviving member of the ten-man terror squad which attacked Paris in November 2015 could continue his testimony, we first heard from two of his co-accused.

Yassine Atar is a nervous, tense individual, much given to exaggerated body language and bursts of feigned laughter. He is suspected of having helped the terrorist attackers before and after the Paris massacres. He faces life imprisonment if found guilty.

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