Yazidi woman testifies about IS leader’s treatment of US hostage Kayla Mueller

(AFP) A young Yazidi woman testified on Monday that American aid worker Kayla Mueller told her she was raped by former Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and threatened with death if she tried to escape.

Lia Mulla, who was captured by Islamic State (IS) members in August 2014 as she tried to flee Iraq’s Mount Sinjar with her family, testified through a translator on Monday at the trial of El Shafee Elsheikh, who was allegedly one of Mueller’s IS jailers.

Elsheikh, a 33-year-old former British national, is accused of being a member of the notorious IS kidnap-and-murder cell known as the “Beatles.”

He is charged with the murders of four Americans: Mueller, freelance journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and Peter Kassig, another relief worker.

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