Ex-MSF worker testifies at trial of IS ‘Beatle’

(AFP) A former Doctors Without Borders (MSF) worker held for three months in Syria in 2014 by the Islamic State group testified on Thursday to the particularly brutal treatment meted out to American and British hostages.

Frida Saide, a Swede, revealed details of her captivity on the seventh day of the trial of El Shafee Elsheikh, a 33-year-old former British national who was allegedly one of her IS jailers.

Elsheikh is charged with the murders of American freelance journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and aid workers Kayla Mueller and Peter Kassig and suspected of the kidnapping of nearly 20 other Westerners.

Several former European journalists and Syrian hostages have testified over the past few days at the trial of the alleged member of the notorious IS kidnap-and-murder cell known as the “Beatles.”

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