‘Fish brain’ Christmas terror plotter’s fight for freedom A 'fish brain' terrorist locked up for planning to behead and bomb in Melbourne on Christmas has appeared in court.

(NCA NewsWire) One of the men who helped plot a Christmas Day terror attack to behead and bomb people at Melbourne’s Federation Square has had his appeal dismissed after trying to argue the jury verdict was “unsafe and unsatisfactory.”

Hamza Abbas was found guilty of committing an act in preparation for a terrorist attack where he, together with three others, plotted to behead people and set off bombs in 2016.

He was jailed for 22 years with a non-parole period of 16 years and six months following a trial in 2019.

Abbas appeared in the Court of Appeal on Tuesday, where Court of Appeal justices refused his appeal.

“Leave to appeal out of time is refused,” CoA justices said in their reasons.

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