Paris attacks accused explains why he has decided to stay silent

(Radio France) Thursday’s session of the Paris terror trial, the 94th day of a legal marathon which is likely to last at least another three months, was overshadowed by the decision of two of the accused … Osama Krayem and Sofien Ayari … to remain silent. A third suspect, Mohamed Bakkali, has also indicated that he will no longer answer questions.

Every person accused before a French court has the right to say nothing.

In the case of Sofien Ayari, the silence is regrettable. Ayari has already distinguished himself among the prisoners as articulate, coherent and sincerely sympathetic to the anguish of the victims and their families.

He’s worth listening to.

In an earlier session, in February, Ayari testified without detours or fake memory lapses about his involvement with Islamic State.

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