Brown, Poilievre trade shots over niqab ban as Conservative leadership race heats up Patrick Brown says his Conservative leadership opponent has supported discriminatory policies

(CBC) Conservative leadership candidate Patrick Brown launched an attack Monday on his opponent Pierre Poilievre, accusing the Conservative MP of supporting “discriminatory policies” that target immigrants.

Poilievre, the MP for the Ottawa-area riding of Carleton considered the front-runner in the race, pitched new policies Monday that he said will make it easier for skilled immigrants to practice their professions in Canada. He vowed to take on what he called “money-grabbing gatekeepers” who determine whether an immigrant is qualified to work in Canada.

But Brown, the current mayor of Brampton, Ont., said Poilievre “has no credibility announcing any sort of policy which largely impacts minority communities such as immigration because he’s never publicly stood against policies that disproportionately impact them.”

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