Sweden battles disinformation on ‘kidnappings’ of Muslim children

(AFP) Swedish authorities are fighting back against claims its social services are “kidnapping” Muslim children, denouncing a “disinformation campaign” of viral videos spreading mistrust among immigrant families.

Videos began appearing on Arabic-language social media sites in late 2021 of real interventions by child welfare services, showing crying children being separated from distraught parents.

With limited context about the situations portrayed, the videos accuse Sweden of being a fascist state where social services place Muslim children in Christian homes with paedophiles or where they are forced to drink alcohol and eat pork.

After Mideastern media outlets reported on the claims, Swedish government officials and social services have come out in force to deny the allegations.

“We absolutely do not do that,” Migration and Integration Minister Anders Ygeman told AFP, stressing the main goal was to support families.

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