‘I can’t give her back her daughter. But I owe that woman an answer to her questions’

(Radio France) Tuesday’s main witness at the Paris terror trial was the 28-year-old Tunisian, Sofien Ayari. He was arrested in Brussels at the same time as Salah Abdeslam, engaging in a gun battle with police officers. On the basis of DNA evidence, he is accused of having helped in the preparation of the Paris attacks.

This trial, in particular the testimony of the mother of one of the victims, has changed Sofien Ayari.

“I did not plan to speak here,” he explained, “but there are things that made me change my mind.

“Some of the victims were angry,” he said of earlier evidence from the civil witnesses.

“One woman, who reminded me a lot of my mother, said she would take us in her arms, that she felt sorry for our parents. That woman lost her daughter.”

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