France dumps Muslim advisory council that is ‘under foreign influence’

(Radio France) In what’s being described as a decisive period for Islam in France, the French Council of the Muslim Faith (Cfcm) — an official interlocutor between the government and religious leaders — is to be dissolved and replaced with a grassroots-style “forum.”

The Forum of the Islam of France (Forif), to be launched by President Emmanuel Macron on 5 February, is a complex process that will take place in the same venue where a Citizens Climate Assembly was set up to advise the government on its strategy to mitigate global warming.

“We want to launch a revolution, trying to put an end to consular Islam,” Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told daily newspaper Le Parisien.

“Islam is not a religion of foreigners in France, but a French religion that should not depend on money or foreign authorities.”

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