Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

JNF UK censured by Board of Deputies over chair’s ‘bigoted remarks’ about Muslims 64% of deputies vote in favour of a resolution in response to remarks made to Jewish News by Hayek, who claims Jews have no future in the UK as a result of Muslim immigration.

(Jewish News) JNF UK has been censured by the Board of Deputies over its failure to “disavow” the “inflammatory and bigoted remarks” of its chair Samuel Hayek after a heated debate during Sunday’s plenary. Two-thirds of deputies voted in favour of a resolution […]


Islamist groups waged misinformation campaign to free terrorist Aafia Siddiqui in months before Texas synagogue attack Advocates for Siddiqui claim, without evidence, she was tortured in CIA blacksite, beaten in federal prison

(Free Beacon) Islamist groups in the United States and abroad waged a months-long propaganda campaign to free convicted terrorist Aafia Siddiqui from a Texas prison before a British national attacked a nearby synagogue in her name this weekend. The Council on American-Islamic […]

Government & Politics

Darmanin describes Muslim-rights organization as ‘foreign influence by Islam’ The recurrent targeting of mosques and Islamic organizations is centered around politically-popular Islamophobia.

(Morocco World News) The French government intends to replace the country’s largest Muslim-rights organization with one free from “foreign influence” amid a crackdown on Islamic organizations in France. French Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin announced on January 20 that the French […]


Manager at advocacy group MEND shares social media posts uncritical of Taliban Exclusive: One post shared by the Muslim Engagement and Development group's Nayeem Haque praised the 'impressive performance' of Taliban officials.

(Jewish News) A manager working for the Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND) organisation has posted and shared a series of social media messages that are all uncritical of the Taliban. Nayeem Haque, who has been employed as MEND’s London regional manager since […]


F.B.I. director calls Texas synagogue attack an act of antisemitism Christopher A. Wray said the hostage taker targeted the Jewish community, contrary to the agency’s initial statement.

(NY Times) The F.B.I. is treating the attack on a suburban Fort Worth synagogue on Saturday as “an act of terrorism targeting the Jewish community,” Christopher A. Wray, the bureau’s director, said on Thursday. “This was not some random occurrence,” Mr. Wray […]


Turku terror attacker suspected of kicking, biting prison guards Abderrahman Bouanane is currently serving a life sentence for killing two and injuring eight others in Finland's first legally-defined terror attack.

(Yle) Moroccan national Abderrahman Bouanane, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for the Turku terrorist attack in 2017, will face three charges of assaulting guards in Turku Prison. The charges were filed with the District Court of Southwest Finland earlier this month, […]