French region cancels its subsidy to art festival over mural of woman wearing hijab Mural ‘provocative,’ ‘unacceptable,’ says Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region

(Anadolu) The French region of Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes suspended subsidies for a street-art festival in Grenoble because of a mural of a woman wearing a hijab.

The region said in a statement that the mural was “provocative” and “unacceptable.”

It argued that it only benefits extremists, fueling violence and hatred, and said subsidies planned for the “Street art fest Grenoble Alpes” [were] canceled.

Media reports said the mural was drawn eight months ago and a decision was made to cancel the subsidy although the mural had nothing to do with the festival.

Festival director Jerome Catz said the reason for the cancelation of €10,000 ($11,149) in financial support for the festival is political and it happened before the presidential election that will be held in April.

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